Teach English in Vietnam - Teaching English Abroad
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Teach English in Vietnam

4-week TEFL Courses in Vietnam

VIETNAM TEFL Program Summary

  • 4 weeks TESOL certification
  • Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City locations
  • Accommodation and visa assistance
  • Job placement assistance throughout Vietnam
  • Welcome dinner and drinks
  • Around 15 others on your course.
  • Monthly start dates

$1,657 USD

(see www.xe.com for the most up to date conversion into your currency)

When can I start my TEFL?

Start dates for this TEFL Program are generally every month and we recommend you apply early as courses fill up fast.

Teach English and live an adventure in Vietnam

Vietnam is fast gaining popularity as a destination to teach English as a foreign language due to its stunning landscapes and the high salaries teachers can expect in relation to cost of living.

choose TEFL in Vietnam


We offer training in both the capital city Hanoi, and Ho Chi Minh City (formerly known as Saigon). Both cities are big – approx 10 million people – where they differ significantly is climate. Hanoi is right in the north of Vietnam and has seasons. It’s colder than Ho Chi Minh in the south, in winter you will need a coat! Ho Chi Minh is nestled in the south, and has a hotter, humid climate, with little change throughout the year. They are both modern, up and coming, vibrant cities with so much to see and do. There’s a buzz about town, when you get there you’ll see why it’s becoming the most popular tourist destination in Southeast Asia.

Vietnam has a rich nature, the countryside, and stunning landscapes. Outside of the cities, you’ll also find paradisiacal beaches and hundreds of beautiful islands. A weekend trip could consist of jungle trekking or island hopping! With your plentiful salary, you’ll be able to do both. With careful planning, you could spend every weekend in a different setting.

Buddhism is also the country’s main religion. Meaning there are stunning temples throughout the land, Buddhas situated everywhere, and the good karma vibe.

Vietnam is right in the heart of Asia, bordered by Laos, Cambodia, China, and a short hop from Thailand, Inter-Asia flights and travel are cheap. You’ll be the envy of everyone back home with your travel.

The cost of living in Vietnam is extremely affordable! You can expect to be earning around twice your living costs each month easily. Standard monthly outgoings are between $700-$1000 USD per month, including accommodation, bills and all living expenses.

It’s recommended to have savings of approx $1500 – $2000 USD before you begin your program, to live comfortably until you’re paid by your employer, which is usually at the end of your first month teaching.


We have 3 levels of recommendation for housing during the course. There are guest houses and hotels, ranging in price from budget options, mid-priced and more expensive hotels (still under $25 USD per night!) so there is something for everyone.


The team in country will support you in finding accommodation, close to your new place of work. Most TEFL teachers tend to share with other teachers or expats, in large shared apartments, or smaller solo apartments in the city. Shared apartments are usually quite big, with 3 or so bedrooms and clean communal areas. A solo apartment will be fully equipped for one person, and are usually furnished. You can expect to spend approx $500 USD per month on your accommodation, including bills. This can vary, but is a typical price for a shared or small apartment in the city.

  • Course format

You’ll study for 150 hours in 4 weeks, with 20 hours of practicals included! It’s a full time, Monday to Friday schedule. There will be time off evenings and weekends to prepare lessons, homework and for leisure of course.

  • Teaching practices

You’ll have teaching practicals amounting to a total of 20 hours throughout the course. You’ll complete these over the weeks, so you continue to build confidence. You’ll complete these practicals in the same building as the training centre.

  • Type of assessment

You will be constantly observed and assessed throughout your theory and practical hours. There are essays, and a final essay and exam to complete.

  • Course location and centre

The training centre is in the Go Vap district in HCMC, and central Hanoi in the North. There are shops, restaurants and fantastic public transport networks nearby.

  •  Requirements 

To complete the TEFL course you need to be at least 21 years old (although each applicant is considered on a case by case basis). You can also be a non-native speaker of English as long as you have a level C1 or above, which will be tested during the interview. A Bachelors degree (in any discipline) is essential.

  •  Job market and employment possibility

Vietnam has a booming job market. A governmet incentive has been launched, meaning they are hoping that every school leaver will have a knowledge of the English language, by the year 2020. Meaning jobs are plentiful and native English speakers in high demand.

  •  Visa Requirements

Visa information changes all the time. Most candidates enter on a pre-purchased tourist visa. Following the course and once you’ve secured your new job, you’ll be guided through the process of applying for a work permit. This is correct at the time of publication, for accurate up to date information, please email/contact us.

In Vietnam, the vast majority of jobs are in language centres, and a small percentage are in public schools meaning that you can find work teaching English as a Foreign Language all year round. Flexible working hours and a huge range of ages to teach. Suiting everyone!

There’s a huge market for TEFL teachers in Vietnam and you can expect to teach 20-25 hours per week, with preparation time in between.

Bigger cities have lots more opportunities and better pay but there are jobs in a more rural location too – we can help you find exactly the type and location that you want.

Salaries are between $1000-$2000 USD per month, dependent on background and working hours. If you hold a bachelors degree (in any discipline) you can expect to earn at the high end of that scale.


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