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Halloween Celebrations around the world

Halloween celebrations

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One of the most celebrated holidays in the world is just around the corner. Each country has its own Halloween customs and traditions and we’re going to take a trip around the globe to give you information on what to find in all of our TEFL destinations. Find below different Halloween Celebrations around the world:

The idea of Halloween has merged religious, cultural and social traditions from past generations and is unique to each country. Halloween has always been celebrated around the world, even before the typical Americanised, costume-wearing traditions started. The idea is that life and death are inevitably linked and a way for the living to maintain strong ties with their deceased loved ones.

Halloween is an annual holiday celebrated on 31 October. It originates from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, where people would light fires to ward off ghosts. The Celts celebrated their New Year on 1 November and the day marked the end of the summer and the beginning of winter, which was linked to death (they were way ahead of Game of Thrones ominously talking about how “Winter is Coming”!) They believed that the night before their New Year, the lines between the realms of the living and the dead became blurred and so they celebrated Samhain.

In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated 1 November as a time to honor all saints, with the 31st becoming All Hallows Eve and later Halloween. The day after, 2 November, was then given and celebrated as All Souls’ Day, a day to remember lost relatives and to pay respect to the dead. In most countries people will take flowers to the cemetery and get together with family to remember their lost loved-ones.

Halloween celebrations in ITALY

Italian Halloween Vocabulary

All Saints’ Day –  Tutti i Santi

All Souls’ Day –

Typical Italian Food and celebrations for Halloween

Italians usually cook a cake called Ossi dei morti, or Bones of the Death and families join together to have lunch. The more traditional families set the table and then go to the church to pray. The doors to the houses would have been left open so that deceased souls can enter while the family are at church.

Our best Halloween plan in Italy for Halloween

Are you planning to spend Halloween in Italy? Rome, the Italian capital, has an abundance of catacombs, dark legends and museums dedicated to macabre themes, such as the Museo delle anime del Purgatorio.

If you would like to teach English in Italy check the link for more information about the TEFL program.

Halloween in SPAIN

Spanish Halloween Vocabulary

All Saints’ Day –  el Día de Todos los Santos

Typical Spanish Food and celebrations for Halloween

Since it’s a national holiday throughout the country, this day is usually spent with family. Traditionally, Spanish people bring flowers to their deceased and they eat typical pastries, such as Huesos de Santo (saint’s bones) or Buñuelos de Viento (wind fritters).

Our best Halloween plan in Spain for Halloween

The classical US Halloween party has been increasingly accepted in many Spanish provinces, becoming a widely celebrated party. Madrid host lots of themed parties and people also dress up.  Many bars are decorated with Halloween ornaments and even attraction parks as El Parque de Atracciones gets ready for the occasion with scary characters and scary attractions.

Immerse yourself in the language and culture of Madrid, Spain. Check the TEFL program here!


Czech Halloween Vocabulary

All Souls’ Day –  Dusicky

Our best Halloween plan in Czech Republic for Halloween

Did you know that Prague is one of the few cities in the world with a statue dedicated to a ghost?  The capital of the Czech Republic is considered one of the main European capitals of esotericism and is also said to be haunted. So if you are spending a year in Prague you can’t miss their Halloween celebrations.

When in Prague, you can visit the biggest graveyard in Prague, Olsany Cemetery and of course you can join any of the parties that the city hosts. Halloween celebrations in the bars and clubs are cool and have as much mysterious charm as the city itself.

Check this link to learn more about TEFL program in Prague.

Halloween in FRANCE

If you are in France and for those who want to experience a scary Halloween you need to visit any of the main cemeteries that have been in Paris since the early nineteenth century, like best the Père-Lachaise cemetery or Montparnasse.

Our best Halloween plan in France for Halloween

There are also organized visits to tombs and mausoleums that are true works of art. If you want to really enjoy Halloween in Paris, our pick of the plans is Paris chill Racing, a bike ride through Paris in fancy dress (the best costume wins a prize).

However, there is also a more traditional celebration called Toussaint (All Saints) and is performed between 1 and 2 November. Locals decorate graves with flowers and put lanterns to light them.

Check our France TEFL program and do not miss the opportunity to visit this  enchanted country.

Halloween in THAILAND

As Thailand is mostly Buddhist, Halloween is not a local tradition but the country has its own culture of ghosts, spirits and supernatural legends.

Typical celebrations for Halloween

Phi Ta Khon or festival of ghosts would be the equivalent to a Thai Halloween. This celebration held during 22 and 23 June is all about superstition, beliefs and processions with people dressed as ghosts.

However, Thailand is known for having some of the best nightlife in the world and so you’ll find Halloween parties on the 31 October. In Bangkok you’ll experience amazing costumes, great DJs, and prizes.

Here you will find all you need to know about teach English and live an adventure in Thailand.

Halloween in COSTA RICA

Typical celebrations for Halloween

In Costa Rica, 31 October is called Dia de la Mascarada, Day of the Masquerade and parades are held throughout the country with people wearing large masks and dancing.

Groups of musicians called Cimarronas provide music and festivities including cultural and educational activities, elaboration and exhibition of masks, cooking and selling typical foods and fireworks.

People also throw costume parties at their homes and you can also find Halloween-themed parties in many bars and clubs. Some festivities are held on the 31 of October or on the weekend preceding or after Halloween.


Know more about the Costa Rica TEFL program  and this wonderful destination.


Check all the TEFL courses here and share your Halloween traditions in our Facebook and Instagram accounts!


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