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20 things to do during 2020

20 things to do during 2020

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We are about to finish the year and apart from looking back at the previous year reflect on how it went, it is a good idea to start doing a list of resolutions or things you would love to do next year. If you haven’t decided on your New Year resolutions yet keep on reading! This our top 20 things to do during 2020:


1. Travel to a new country

Get planning your list of top countries to travel to in 2020. Starting a new decade with inspiring memories and experiences will really get 2020 off to a bang!

Last-minute trips can be fun and very cheap, but if you really want to travel this year, it is best to start by organizing. The first step is to determine the places you want to visit and why. Then check your availabilities and finally pack your bags for your next adventure.


2. Read 10 non-fiction books

Like traveling, reading opens up different worlds, cultures and perspectives. Fiction provides a great escape from everyday life but it’s always great to learn about different social, political and cultural things through books. A study published in the journal Scientific American, showed that the habit of reading makes us more empathetic and helps us understand other people’s feelings. Why not challenge yourself to read a bit more non-fiction literature and make the most of your downtime.


3. Go Camping

Have you ever gone camping? This inexpensive and fun activity has many benefits for both your body and your mind: you connect with nature, relax and forget about technology for a while. If you’re a bit hesitant about getting dirty and sleeping in a field, you can always start with glamping.


4. Start learning a new language

With a world of resources at our fingertips, learning a new language has never been so easy! Once you start learning the basics, the next thing to do it to book a trip to somewhere to practice the language with native speakers! You will have the motivation to learn the language and then actually use it. Just remember to go to a  high-quality language school if you’re planning to take formal classes and you’ll not only be able to use it for travelling, but also professionally!


5. Write 5 things you’ve always been afraid to do and do one of them

How many times do you feel like doing something different from your typical day to day but you always do the same things? Whether it be fear of failure, flying or living alone… this 2020, get out of your comfort zone: take a risk, grow, lose, win, try! You will always learn something from it and get to know yourself better.


6. Practice a new sport

Wherever you are during 2020 it is always possible to practice a new sport! Imagine you are spending a year abroad in Costa Rica. Apart from enjoying the country, you will be able to practice various sports, like diving, kayaking or paragliding.


7. Organize your 2020 agenda

Clear plans make a clear mind. By organising yourself for next year, you are aware of all pending activities, future trips or meetings. You can use your phone’s agenda, get a paper planer or create your own. It will also help you remember important dates so you can prepare in advance for birthdays, anniversaries or even just important holidays.


8. Lear how to cook a traditional dish from a foreign country

Are you in love with Thai/Mexican/French food? 2020 is the perfect year for you to learn how to cook a traditional dish. Asian food, for example, has become so popular and it is delicious and healthy! Why not to learn more about traditional food in Thailand and surprise your friends or family with a delightful homemade Pad Thai?!


9. Become part of your community

How well do you know your city? This coming year you can start getting involved with your neighbourhood and your community. There will be tons of community projects you can help with. Get to know your neighbours and participate in local activities, as well as helping others.


10. Have a healthier lifestyle

Of course, you know what you need to do to be healthier! Do sports, eat more veggies, sleep more… The important thing is that you start doing any of these things! You don’t need to start with everything at once, you can go little by little. For example, if you are going to Italy, apart from tasting all their kinds of pasta and pizzas you can also look for walking tours or outside activities! Check here our top five activities to do while staying at Florence.

11. Be more ecofriendly

It is the moment to become aware and lead an eco-friendly lifestyle! Simple changes in your habits can contribute to improving the planet. We must measure the impact our actions have on the natural environment and be as respectful as possible. Here you can find more information on ways to do it.


12. Explore new cultures

The world is witnessing lots of changes and it’s definitely time to get your head out the sand and learn more about history, politics and society as a whole. Our environment is very diverse and it is important to understand the culture of the people with whom we interact. One of the best ways to do this is by travelling or learning about a specific culture. Maybe you want to learn more about China and its history. Get reading, booking a trip or learning the language.


Moving to a different country is definitely a great way to do all this! Check our Blog to discover the benefits of moving to a new country!


 13. Experience a tradition from another country

Why not to celebrate carnivals in Rio de Janeiro, Halloween in Mexico or La Tomatina in Spain? Plan a trip and get off the beaten track in another country. Get dressed up, discover new traditions, different kinds of music and party like a local.


14. Treat yourself

Every little triumph is important and needs to be celebrated. Being kind to yourself is genuinely good for you. It can be a small present, a food you like or even a weekend trip. Just start by creating a list of small ways in which to treat yourself and choose one each month during the year.


15. Hike a mountain

One of the best ways to enjoy the small pleasures in life. Every time you reach a peak, you receive an important lesson, which could be profound or that you need to work on your photography skills. Whatever it is, you’ll connect with nature, discover amazing views and get in shape at the same time.


16. Get a new hobby

We recommend you find a hobby you are passionate about and that helps you discover hidden talents you may have. An extra activity could benefit you in the not too distant future; it could even help you get a job if you become an expert.


17. Start a travelling journal

Apart from keeping your memories on your social media, creating a journal is a good way of collecting memories. You can start by adding city maps, photos or even transportation tickets. There are no set rules and you can personalize it in whichever way you want!


18. Go on a Road Trip

Is there anything better than freedom and total flexibility? Go where you want, change plans instantly, stop or accelerate when you want to do it… Get to discover unexpected places and go on a road trip this year!


19. Find a job you like

Don’t start a new decade in a job you hate. Get out and find something that excites you! Do some research on things you enjoy, find ways to use your existing skills and start updating your CV and Linkedin.


20. Do a course! We recommend you take a TEFL course

You will get to travel, work, explore new cultures, learn a new language… By doing a TEFL course you will accomplish many of the resolutions we’ve mentioned;) You can check out our TEFL destinations and start your course this year!

Start the next decade as you mean to go on… with an adventure and a plan to change your life.

Comment your New Year resolutions on our Facebook and Instagram. And have a wonderful year!

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