
TEFL Connect



10 Most Popular Peruvian Dishes You Should Try

Peru as a destination is growing in popularity for its rich culture and fantastic food! If you have chosen this destination for your TEFL Course, you won’t regret it! The exciting and unique flavors of Peruvian dishes are known for making use of the endless array of natural ingredients that are in abundance in the traditional street markets, which really are a treat for all five senses. Let’s take a look at some of the most famous Peruvian dishes has to offer: 1. CEVICHE PERUANO This is the national dish and, while there are many types of ceviche, the most common ones contain pieces of raw fresh fish cooked with lemon, spices, and salt. Vegetarians and vegans can also appreciate this dish with mushrooms, instead of fish! It is also accompanied by potatoes, fresh corn, and sweet potatoes. Definitely one to try in Peru! 2. LOMO SALTADO Saltado (sautéed) steak, this dish features sliced steak, red onion, yellow pepper, red or white vinegar, tomato, and spices. It’s a simple dish, but has a ton of flavour! 3. CAUSA RELLENA Causa Rellena is a typical dish made with yellow potatoes as the main ingredient. There are two versions of it: with chicken or tuna. No matter which one you choose, they are both amazing, especially with mayonnaise. La Causa Rellena is potato mash mixed with crushed chilli to give it flavour and is traditionally made with meat and avocado. Nowadays, more ingredients are added, like Peruvian corn, mayonnaise, hard-boiled egg, lettuce, and black olives. It is food that you will find in street stalls, especially in Lima. It is also prepared in homes for gatherings or celebrations. 4. AJÍ DE GALLINA This dish is made with tender chicken stewed in a rich yellow chilli sauce. Gallina means hen in Spanish, but most cooks use chicken in this dish. In addition to chicken, a key ingredient is ají amarillo. This pepper gives the sauce its yellow colour and adds an incredible touch of spice. Other ingredients, like cheese and crackers, tone down the spiciness and create a thick, creamy sauce. Like many other Peruvian dishes, ají de gallina is combined with potatoes and/or white rice. 5. PACHAMANCA This is a very typical dish in Peru that dates back to the Inca Empire. It was even declared Cultural Heritage of the Nation in 2003. Nowadays it’s cooked in pots but Pachamanca means “pot of earth” in the Quechua language, and it is how this dish is originally prepared, in a kind of oven made in a hole in the ground. You’ll find chunks of beef, chicken, guinea pig, and pork, among potatoes, yucca, lima beans, pods, sweet potatoes, plantains, and chunky corn in this dish. 6. LECHE DE TIGRE One of the best parts of ceviche is the rich marinade that gives the fish its intense flavour. So why not take that marinade and make a snack? Add baked shrimp, fish, and corn kernels to a cocktail glass and top it with the liquid ceviche marinade to make a dish known as Leche de Tigre. The colour and intense flavour come from the lime juice. Chopped chilli peppers, red onion, and cilantro also contribute to the rich flavours of this dish It’s also a popular hangover cure! 7. SUSPIRO A LA LIMEÑA This traditional dessert that originated in Lima is a light and delightful way to end any meal. With a name meaning “Woman’s sigh”, you’ll just need milk, sugar, eggs, and Pisco or Port. It’s presented in a glass and topped with meringue and cinnamon powder. 8. ALFAJORES Alfajores are a delicious dessert with manjar blanco, a caramelized cream, filled between two butter cookies. A sprinkle of powdered sugar on top adds even more sweetness. Although Alfajores are popular throughout Latin America, each country adds its touch that sets them apart. Dipped in chocolate, covered in grated coconut, fried, or with a drizzle of honey, there are many variations to discover as you explore South America and especially Peru. 9. MAZMORRA MORADA Y ARROZ CON LECHE Purple corn, a superfood, is combined with quince, pineapple, apple peel, cinnamon, cloves, lime juice, and sugar to create a popular drink known as chicha morada. This liquid is heated again, adding cornstarch, dried plums, apricots, and/or cherries to turn it into a fruit jelly known as purple mazamorra. Street vendors and restaurants often pair this fruity flavor with a rich, creamy rice pudding. In addition to white rice, Peruvian rice pudding includes condensed milk, egg yolks, cinnamon, nutmeg, and a little butter. Although you can have only one or the other, the combination of purple porridge and rice pudding creates a delicious and unique flavour. 10. PICARONES Who knew that with a pumpkin and a sweet potato you could make such a delicious dessert? This Peruvian fritter is another street vendor staple that dates back to Peruvian history. Created as a cheaper version of a donut, picarones have become popular in their own right. Topped with a drizzle of aniseed honey, picarones are a delight at any time of year. Find tasty picarones in the Kennedy Park in Lima or Picarones Ruinas, in the heart of Cusco. We’ve given you a lot of things to get excited about Peru… and this is just the beginning of the journey! We can give you tons more information on why Peru is an amazing place to start your international adventures, and why it’s the perfect place to teach English. If you’re interested in joining our TEFL Course in Peru and beginning your career as an English Teacher, click here for more information.


Online or in-person TEFL course – Which is right for you?

There are so many things to take into account when choosing a TEFL course but investing well in your own training will benefit you for as long as you teach abroad, and well beyond. When teaching abroad, your TEFL certification is the first thing your prospective employer will look at to decide if you’re the type of candidate they’re looking for. Now that COVID-19 has moved the world online and temporarily put paid to international travel, online TEFL courses have stepped up their game and have moved passed pre-recorded, stale content and poor quality. So we’re here to look at the pros and cons of choosing online or in-person TEFL course, and to help you decide which one might be right for you. Here at TEFL Connect all our programs are accredited and offer you job support, along with practical teaching sessions.   In-person TEFL course If you’re planning on spending a year or more outside your own country, teaching English is the perfect way to experience life as a local, earn decent money, travel and build your CV. An in-person TEFL course is definitely recommended if you’re moving abroad. You’ll walk into a readymade support system, with local knowledge, career advice, support for any paperwork and advice on where to go and what to do – especially on how to avoid the tourist traps! These things will help you feel comfortable, secure and most of all give you fast-track access to all of the best English academies and TEFL employers in the area. What about meeting people? During your TEFL course, you’ll meet a group of like-minded people to train with, and create friendships that will last a lifetime. Courses are usually with 10-15 other students from all over the world with similar stories to yours. Some of our students have created life-long friendships with the people on their TEFL courses! What about accommodation? Moving to a new place is daunting and it’s hard to know how to find somewhere to live for a reasonable price and in a decent, safe location. If you choose a TEFL course in the country you’re aiming to live in then your course provider will be able to find accommodation for you, or at least point you in the right direction. What about teaching skills? Learning how to teach in person helps you get a feel for the classroom and enables you to get over those nerves when standing in front of new students. It also helps you increase your confidence while completing the numerous teaching practices with your students. The in-person TEFL course is four weeks of intensive classes and so you’ll need to dedicate those weeks solely to your TEFL course. Online TEFL course As with all online programs, an online TEFL course is far more flexible and can be done from anywhere in the world. It’s a good choice for you if you’re planning ahead for your future, and want to get a qualification while working or studying at the same time. The course we offer is spread out over 11 weeks, usually around 10-15 hours per week. Perhaps you’re hoping to move abroad or work teaching online, or even to teach ESL where you live. If you’ve not got your heart set on moving to one place or will be moving around, then an online TEFL is definitely a good option. You’ll be able to use the knowledge you earn in any country, or in multiple countries, and you won’t have to be as specialized in one area. Following your TEFL course, you’ll be certified and ready to make the move abroad when it suits you. Online or in-person courses with TEFL Connect Whether you’ll be taking your TEFL course in person or online, we prepare you for anything and everything you need to move to a new country. Visas, accommodation, advice, support until you step foot on that plane. Straight after you’ve finished training you can begin your paid teaching job, and will be able to start earning money! You’ll have lifetime, worldwide job support, with a dedicated team focused on helping you secure a job from home. Choosing the right TEFL course is crucial to make sure you’re top of the list when looking for an English teaching role. Whether you decide to begin your journey online or in-person, we have all the help and knowledge you’ll need to build a successful TEFL teaching career abroad. Get in touch with us for more information, follow us on Facebook or visit our blog to learn more about our programs.

Definitive Guide to packing and preparation for a long trip abroad

Definitive Guide to packing and preparation for a long trip abroad

It’s one thing to pack for a weekend away, or even for a two-week trip to the beach, but packing when you’re going to live in another country needs serious and strategic planning. Luckily, we’re experts in moving to other countries and have perfected the art of packing so we’re confident that this definite guide to packing and preparation for a long trip abroad will help you out!   Where are you going to live?   You’ll need to look at exactly which destination you want to move to and read up on what the climate is, what type of food you’ll have available, and whether you’ll want to get involved in sports or cultural activities. Do you plan on going to Vietnam and think you’ll spend the whole year under perfect blue skies? Do you know what sports you’ll want to do in Argentina? Avoid being caught short by doing your research and deciding what type of essentials you’ll need to get by for your time abroad.   And if you can’t decide on a specific destination yet, here you will find all out TEFL destinations, which will help you make the choice.   Be safe and make sure you’re reachable and connected! Charge your mobile and use a portable charger that will work for at least your flight and journey. Ensure that you research your internet provider and adjust phone settings so you have the internet as soon as you arrive.   What to pack   Your favorite treats and snacks It’s normal for you to miss some foods and you do not need to deprive yourself of your home comforts during your time living abroad! If you still have some space, make sure to pack your favorite chocolate bar, peanut butter, or something you know you’ll crave when you’re there! One of our students arrived with three packets of bacon and swears it was the best decision they ever made!   Bring the right shoes Footwear is one of the most important things when you’re planning your international adventure so think carefully about what type of destination you are going to, how long you’ll be there and what type of activities are you planning on doing. It’s not the same to take a three-day city break in Florence than to cross Doi Inthanonin, the highest mountain in Thailand. Remember to pack at least one pair of comfortable shoes that are suitable for all types of situations!   Check the weather all-year-round! Just because it’s a beach destination doesn’t mean you’ll spend the whole year in a t-shirt and shorts. It’s always better to check the year-long weather forecasts. Things like heavy winter coats or taking extra bikinis; the weather might not what you expect and you may want to avoid an expensive extra cost later down the line.   PRO TIP: Don’t forget to put an additional layer in your hand luggage as planes are usually quite generous with their AC.   Leave room for some shopping or presents Although you don’t usually buy souvenirs when you travel, you never know when you might fall in love with something. Try to leave some space in your suitcase or research the best ways of sending things home from your destination country.   Carry a little first aid kit Be sure to check official information on medications and the health service in the country you’re planning on travelling to so as to avoid surprises! Make sure that if you are on medication, you take enough for the first few months so you have time to arrive and plan a visit to your local doctor to get a prescription.   We advise that you take the essentials in a small first aid kit. It should be small, compact and include, in addition to any medication you need to take, some paracetamol, plasters (band aids), some antibacterial cream and insect repellent.   Keep plugged in Bear in mind that you may need adapters depending on the country you are heading to. So do research before moving and find out whether or not you are going to need adapters for your mobile, laptop etc. For smaller things like hairdryers or an electrical razor, we would suggest buying in the country you move to as the electrical charge in some countries can differ anyway and it might not be worth buying adapters for everything.   How to pack Make a list First things first! As boring as it may seem, having a list is one of the best ways to ensure that you don’t forget essential things or on the other hand carry unnecessary stuff that only adds weight to the suitcase. You will also need to check the airline restrictions, especially if you’re flying with different airlines throughout your trip.   Prepare your luggage according to your list It makes no sense making a list if you are not going to use it later! Start by packing the most important things from your list and leave the necessary, but not essential stuff for later when you can see that there’s room. If there is still space then put a couple of items that you would like to take, but remember to always leave some space to bring gifts or souvenirs home!   Roll up your clothes! Not everybody will agree with this, but we firmly believe that rolling up your clothes is an ideal practice to save space, in addition to preventing wrinkles in most outfits ;). Remember that it is better to wear clothes that you can mix and match than prepared outfits as you will be able to get more outfits out of your luggage allowance. Usually, there’s no need to pack for all seasons, as it’s more probable than not that by the time the winter comes you’ll have been shopping countless times and doubled your wardrobe.   Place valuable things in your carry-on bag The chances of you losing luggage are really small, but you never know

20 things to do during 2020

20 things to do during 2020

We are about to finish the year and apart from looking back at the previous year reflect on how it went, it is a good idea to start doing a list of resolutions or things you would love to do next year. If you haven’t decided on your New Year resolutions yet keep on reading! This our top 20 things to do during 2020:   1. Travel to a new country Get planning your list of top countries to travel to in 2020. Starting a new decade with inspiring memories and experiences will really get 2020 off to a bang! Last-minute trips can be fun and very cheap, but if you really want to travel this year, it is best to start by organizing. The first step is to determine the places you want to visit and why. Then check your availabilities and finally pack your bags for your next adventure.   2. Read 10 non-fiction books Like traveling, reading opens up different worlds, cultures and perspectives. Fiction provides a great escape from everyday life but it’s always great to learn about different social, political and cultural things through books. A study published in the journal Scientific American, showed that the habit of reading makes us more empathetic and helps us understand other people’s feelings. Why not challenge yourself to read a bit more non-fiction literature and make the most of your downtime.   3. Go Camping Have you ever gone camping? This inexpensive and fun activity has many benefits for both your body and your mind: you connect with nature, relax and forget about technology for a while. If you’re a bit hesitant about getting dirty and sleeping in a field, you can always start with glamping.   4. Start learning a new language With a world of resources at our fingertips, learning a new language has never been so easy! Once you start learning the basics, the next thing to do it to book a trip to somewhere to practice the language with native speakers! You will have the motivation to learn the language and then actually use it. Just remember to go to a  high-quality language school if you’re planning to take formal classes and you’ll not only be able to use it for travelling, but also professionally!   5. Write 5 things you’ve always been afraid to do and do one of them How many times do you feel like doing something different from your typical day to day but you always do the same things? Whether it be fear of failure, flying or living alone… this 2020, get out of your comfort zone: take a risk, grow, lose, win, try! You will always learn something from it and get to know yourself better.   6. Practice a new sport Wherever you are during 2020 it is always possible to practice a new sport! Imagine you are spending a year abroad in Costa Rica. Apart from enjoying the country, you will be able to practice various sports, like diving, kayaking or paragliding.   7. Organize your 2020 agenda Clear plans make a clear mind. By organising yourself for next year, you are aware of all pending activities, future trips or meetings. You can use your phone’s agenda, get a paper planer or create your own. It will also help you remember important dates so you can prepare in advance for birthdays, anniversaries or even just important holidays.   8. Lear how to cook a traditional dish from a foreign country Are you in love with Thai/Mexican/French food? 2020 is the perfect year for you to learn how to cook a traditional dish. Asian food, for example, has become so popular and it is delicious and healthy! Why not to learn more about traditional food in Thailand and surprise your friends or family with a delightful homemade Pad Thai?!   9. Become part of your community How well do you know your city? This coming year you can start getting involved with your neighbourhood and your community. There will be tons of community projects you can help with. Get to know your neighbours and participate in local activities, as well as helping others.   10. Have a healthier lifestyle Of course, you know what you need to do to be healthier! Do sports, eat more veggies, sleep more… The important thing is that you start doing any of these things! You don’t need to start with everything at once, you can go little by little. For example, if you are going to Italy, apart from tasting all their kinds of pasta and pizzas you can also look for walking tours or outside activities! Check here our top five activities to do while staying at Florence. 11. Be more ecofriendly It is the moment to become aware and lead an eco-friendly lifestyle! Simple changes in your habits can contribute to improving the planet. We must measure the impact our actions have on the natural environment and be as respectful as possible. Here you can find more information on ways to do it.   12. Explore new cultures The world is witnessing lots of changes and it’s definitely time to get your head out the sand and learn more about history, politics and society as a whole. Our environment is very diverse and it is important to understand the culture of the people with whom we interact. One of the best ways to do this is by travelling or learning about a specific culture. Maybe you want to learn more about China and its history. Get reading, booking a trip or learning the language.   Moving to a different country is definitely a great way to do all this! Check our Blog to discover the benefits of moving to a new country!    13. Experience a tradition from another country Why not to celebrate carnivals in Rio de Janeiro, Halloween in Mexico or La Tomatina in Spain? Plan a trip and get off the beaten track in another country.

top travelling apps

Top 10 travel Apps

Travel apps are soaring in popularity as we make our lives easier with technology, especially when exploring a new city or country. In this post, we share our TOP 10 travel apps and websites that will help you before, during, and after your flight. Who doesn’t want some travel advice? From luggage to entertainment or locations, this app will make it even easier for you to explore the world while living abroad. Luggage and flights HOPPER Know the best time to buy your flights and get the cheapest rates! Hopper is like an intelligent travel agent that can analyze up to 15 billion flight prices and predicts the cheapest future price with more than 90% accuracy, according to their website. You can even set alerts on flights you’re looking for, so if you’re hoping to fly home during a certain month, you’ll be able to identify the best options. Discover here the right destination for you! RADICAL – Luggage Storage When traveling, and with the popularity of AirBnb, check-out and check-in don’t always coincide with your flight times and it’s really helpful to have somewhere to store your luggage for a few hours so you can maximize your time in a new country. With RADICAL, you can find the nearest, trustworthy luggage storage site wherever you are in the world. AEROTAG Have you ever lost your luggage? Aerotag allows you to track your baggage with more than 650 airlines and more than 5000 airports. You get an Aerotag card (available at www.tracernet.net), which will be used to track your luggage through the app. Entertainment WISHTRIP Wishtrip is ideal if you love photography and video! It automatically creates travel albums with your photos, which are ready to watch and share in minutes. NETFLIX & SPOTIFY I’m not sure if either Netflix or Spotify needs an introduction, but if you need some entertainment while traveling, Netflix and Spotify are your go-tos. From award-winning movies and TV shows to documentaries and light-hearted comedies, Netflix has it all. You can download movies and episodes when in a WiFi zone before boarding a flight or being without WiFi to ensure you’re not left reading and re-reading the safety manual on your plane. Spotify on the other hand will cover your music and podcasting needs, with millions of songs and albums available for download as well as podcasts and audiobooks. If you’ve been surviving your day-to-day life without Spotify until now, we strongly recommend you add it to your app downloads for your travels. Once you head to your destination MAPS.ME The app offers free, fast, detailed, and completely offline maps (so you can save your data for more important things). You have maps available all over the world. You can choose between navigation on foot, by car, or by bicycle. And if you go by bicycle or on foot, it shows you the type of terrain – and the inclination of it. Apart from that, you can search different categories: restaurants, bars, cafes, tourist attractions, gas stations, hotels, theaters, cinemas, banks… XE CURRENCY It has happened to all of us during a trip: read prices in establishments, supermarkets, or any store and look at the ceiling while trying to calculate how much it costs in euros (or whatever the currency is). Now you can compare prices when traveling anywhere in the world. Developed in 2009, XE Currency manages currency exchanges, providing reliable exchange rates and free graphic information. With this app, you can check exchange rates, and graphs and make international transfers. In one app, you have everything you need in terms of foreign exchange. TRAVELOKA Everybody knows the value of traveling cheaply! With Traveloka you will be able to book cheap flights, train tickets, or rental cars, find activities around the city, discover restaurants, and save money on hotel bookings. HOSTELWORLD When you plan a getaway, a family vacation, or a weekend with friends, the first thing you look for is accommodation. Is there something cheap? It’s well communicated? Is it big enough for my group? Hostelworld allows you to choose from 30,000 hostels and cheap hotels in more than 170 countries. The places are ordered by location, price, and user evaluations.   Are you already doing a TEFL course? Do you use any apps? Share with us your favorite ones on Facebook or Instagram and keep updated with our blog.

Teaching English Abroad Costs

Teaching English Abroad Costs: A Universal Guide

When you’re considering teaching English abroad for the first time, a lot of questions will crop up! One we’re asked often, is “what are the hidden costs?”. Good news is – there are none! We want you to be completely prepared in all aspects, including financially. Here we’ll explain all Teaching English Abroad Costs you’ll need to factor in, to start your adventure! Certification We’ve done all the leg work here for you, bringing you world-class TEFL programs! Prices range from approx $1350 to $1910 USD depending on location. Also, keep in mind, that price doesn’t mean that some of the courses are better or worse. In the end it all depends on the prices within the destination country. In our blog we’ve collected examples of those. Flights It’s best to book early to reduce abroad costs! As the longer you leave it, the higher are the prices. www.skyscanner.net offers a whole month’s comparison, so you can choose the best day to fly according to your budget! There are those who also advise booking your flights on Tuesday or Wednesday, as prices tend to be not as expensive on those days. Visas TEFL Connect are the experts in visa requirements for each TEFL program. Costs do differ in each country and there are different requirements depending on the passport you hold. Even more so, the requisites vary depending on the state for the US citizens.  Drop us a line and we’ll get the correct information to you for your program location, and the country you’re in. Accommodation We know everyone has differing tastes and expectations of accommodation, so we have a range of options in each country to cater for all budgets! From homestays to hostels, apartments to hotels! We’ve sourced clean, local options, close to your training centre. In Addition, you often end up living with your coursemates, which helps you bond and share accommodation even after the course. Food/Living Costs You’ll usually be paid at the end of your first month teaching, so making sure you have enough cash saved to this point is key! Take a look on the destination page you’re going to, where there’s a guide to living costs in that country specifically. If you need any advice please do email us, send us an online message, or visit us on Facebook! We’re available seven days per week and are always happy to help.

things to do in Barcelona

Five things to do in Barcelona

There are thousands of things to see and do in Barcelona, ​​one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Europe. Once you have visited the most emblematic and popular places like the Sagrada Familia or the Güell park, it is time to discover the most hidden and special places in the city. So today we will tell you five things to do in Barcelona while you are spending your time in this amazing city.   1. Discover Barcelona from the sea One of the most unforgettable experiences in Barcelona is a boat trip! You can enjoy the sun, the warm temperatures and the breathtaking views from the sea. These are some pages where you can find cheap boat rentals. Some include excursions throughout the day, a small lunch and the possibility of going with your partner or your friends: Gobesailor, Nautal, Clickandboat or Samboat. Barcelona has about 5km of beach that are divided into several parts. The best known, Barceloneta,is located in the heart of the city. Some of the main beaches are Bogatell, Nova Icaria and Mar Bella.  If we go a little further, you will find Castelldefels or Sitges, one of the most famous.  In addition to beautiful beaches you can find good restaurants to relax and enjoy some of the fresh fish of the coast.   2. Join clandestine dinners and eat with locals Another great plan that we recommend, without a doubt, are culinary experiences. Barcelona is well known for its impressive cuisine. And after eating in typical markets like La Boqueria or Sant Antoni , we suggest you to get together with locals and enjoy clandestine dinners. There is a website called Eatwith, where we can meet local people and have original lunches and dinners in Barcelona. You can book a dinner on a rooftop, cooking classes of all kinds, join a food tour through the best markets, etc … Another great option is Devour Barcelona, specialising in food and culture tours that delve into the traditional foods and markets of the city. If food is your real passion, check out Barcelona’s best gastronomic experiences.   3. Take a city tour One of the best ways to spend a Sunday, a weekend, or any day you want is doing a city tour. Barcelona has millions of opportunities, of all colors, and for all tastes. There are daily Free Tours that explain the heart of Barcelona. You can visit El Barrio Gótico, climb Tibidabo or you do alternative activities such as tours about legends, nightlife, mysteries, etc … You will learn a lot from the city and they will explain you thousands of anecdotes and stories about places you walk almost daily, and you will see the city from another perspective.   4. Get to know the surrounding areas Another advantage of living in Barcelona is that you are very close to many cool places. In Barcelona you can visit the Costa Brava by car where you can find stunning beaches, coves and places where you can take out your camera and snap the most intagrameable pics. You can get to Vic, Montserrat Monastery, Sitges, Tossa de Mar or Sant Feliu de Guíxols and relax just for a long weekend.   5. Enjoy the atmosphere of the streets No stay in Barcelona would be complete without a walk through Las Ramblas, one of the most essential attractions to visit in the city. This meeting place is home to many well known restaurants, bars, typical newsstands, kiosks selling souvenirs, cafes, fruit and flower shops. To get a bird’s-eye view, finish your Ramblas tour at the 18th-story viewpoint at Columbus Monument for panoramic views of the city and sea.   Do you have any other activity or plan that you would add? Leave us a comment on Facebook! And if you want to experience the adventure check our TEFL courses in Barcelona.


The 7 foods you miss when living in Europe

Spending a year abroad teaching English is always great and will enrich anyone’s life with new experiences. Deciding to embark on an expat adventure is a major life decision, and of course, you will discover new dishes and wonderful things that are probably not so common in your country.  But you may find yourself swimming in the ocean halfway across the globe, wandering through ancient temples, or having paella on a Spanish terrace and suddenly think, “WHERE IS THE PEANUT BUTTER?” As a foreigner, there are some foods you miss in Europe after some time living there. You don’t need to deprive yourself of your home comforts during your time living abroad, so here are the most common things that our students miss, and you might want to stock up on! Here is a list of American snacks to bring to Europe: 1. Chocolate Not because you can’t find it in Europe, and not because it’ll remind you of home, but because people (mainly Brits and Americans) LOVE to argue over who has the best chocolate. Sure, all that Milka in Europe is a good middle ground, but it’s always useful to have evidence in the great Hershey’s Vs Cadbury debate.   2. Mac and cheese Even when doing your TEFL Course in Florence and having unrestricted access to some of the most delicious pasta in the world, there will come a time when you just want a good old Mac and cheese. The problem is, it is an American food you can’t get in Europe.  There aren’t any mac and cheese boxes in any of the grocery stores around Europe, and there usually isn’t mac and cheese on any restaurant’s menus. However, if you’re craving some, for sure you will find longer pasta with cheese on top.   3. Lucky Charms You can’t find this in many places overseas, and even though we know that there’s no nutritional value in this kind of cereal, it’s always nice to get a taste of home every now and then.  European supermarkets do not have a big selection of cereals, so if you’re a big cereal eater, I’d advise you to bring a box or two as you may not find your favorite cereals unless you are ready to pay a higher price and get them shipped to you.  Although cereal bars are becoming increasingly popular in Europe, you’ll be able to get your hands on some Lucky Charms while doing your TEFL course in Madrid, in some of the more international stores.   4. Reese’s Cups One of the best American snacks not in Europe. This candy is unavailable in most parts of Europe, or if you’re lucky enough to find some, it’s definitely more expensive. So if you have a friend abroad, show them how much you appreciate them by sending them some Reese’s cups.  Although you can find it, you will notice that it is unusually hard to find peanut butter in Europe. You can be in France enjoying macaroons or in Italy eating the best ice cream, but some days you will just want a Reese’s peanut butter cup.   5. Peanut Butter M&Ms Yet again, we can say that Europe fails to understand the fascination of peanut butter combined with chocolate. The good news is that you will find regular M&Ms, but it’s so difficult (not to say impossible) to find the improved version with peanut butter. By the way, these are one of the most common things that our students miss.   6. Pop-Tarts Another breakfast favorite that you will take a break from while living abroad. For sure, you will miss seeing them on the supermarket shelves, but hey, you can always try to create homemade Pop-Tarts with an ice cream sandwich! No? Okay, we were reaching a bit there!     7. Fire Cheetos Are you addicted to hot Cheetos? You will discover once you’re in Europe that you won’t be able to find them anywhere. If you’re on the hunt for this delicious cheesy snack while abroad, we’re sorry, but you’ll have to go for local alternatives to satisfy your cravings. On the same note, Takis are available everywhere, BUT! You must know that the Spanish version tastes a bit different as there are different food standards in Europe than those of America.    8. Where to get American snacks Even though American products are not available in Spanish or even European supermarkets, there are still stores that specialize in importing your favorite American staples.  Taste of America is a chain of stores that you can find in Madrid, Spain. They have a large array of sweets, chips, dips, seasonings, drinks, and more. But all these products are imported, so expect to pay a premium price for any of the items you may find.  The store doesn’t have every American snack, so if you know you will miss a certain product or would like to give some to a European friend, take some with you so you’re guaranteed to be able to cure some of the homesickness.   Because nothing brings you stronger feelings of homesickness than being abroad without your favorite foods. Sure, eating delicious local dishes in modern or traditional restaurants might be nice, but at the end of the day, there is nothing like the familiarity of the foods you grew up with. Share with us on Facebook and Instagram the foods you miss the most if you are already in another country!


TEFL & Sports in Costa Rica

Are you going to Costa Rica to do your TEFL course and teach English while enjoying one of the most fabulous countries in Central America? In this post, we will tell you about six sports in Costa Rica that you must do while living there! Not only you will get to enjoy some of the most beautiful landscapes of the country, but you will also get to stay fit. Keep on reading! Kayaking There’s a place in Costa Rica called Península de la Osa which is perfect for those who love kayaking. If you don’t have experience doing this sport, make sure you go into the water when the waves are small. This is a very relaxing activity in which you can enjoy a good view of the landscape in Costa Rica!     Paragliding  If you’ve always dreamt of flying, it is time to make your dreams come true! There are several spots in Costa Rica where you will be able to practice this sport, though the best one is in Caldera, Puntarenas. With the help of an instructor, you’ll get to see Costa Rica from the sky!     Diving Are you an experienced diver? Then you will be able to explore the oceans of Costa Rica and its amazing wildlife. If you haven’t done it yet, this country is the perfect place to obtain your license!       Cycling Costa Rica has lots of mountains, which makes it a country highly attractive for those who enjoy the adrenaline of extreme cycling. There are several places where you can practice this sport, though the most famous ones are Limón, Bagaces, Nicoya and Arenal.     Rafting Pacuare, Sarapiquí, Balsa, Chipirró… there are lots of places for you to enjoy this sport, no matter if you are experienced or new to it. For those who are only getting started, there are several guided courses to learn the instructions and the main safety rules you need to know. A great team sport!     Surfing It is one of the most popular sports in the country given the number of beaches with great waves you can find there. Some of the most popular ones are Santa Teresa, Matapalo, Malpáis, Hermosa and Playa Guiones. If you love the ocean and want to stay fit while having fun, this is your country!     Want to find out more about the TEFL course in Costa Rica? Get in touch with us! Follow us on Facebook or send as an email and we will be more than happy to solve your doubts and help you throughout the process.  

Traditional food in Costa Rica

Traditional food in Costa Rica

Would you like to work and travel in Central America? Then this blog post is for you! For all of those who suffer from wanderlust and are looking for options to get away from it all while earning some money, Costa Rica is a great choice! In this beautiful country, you can obtain your TEFL certificate (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) and get to enjoy all the things this country has to offer, while saving for your next destination. Before you start packing, research as much as you can so that you make the most of the experience. Here we will tell you about typical food in Costa Rica that you cannot miss! Keep on reading! Casado It the most typical dish in Costa Rica. It is made of beans, rice, red peppers, onions, fried bananas and a salad made of tomatoes, carrots and cabbage. All of that comes with either chicken, fish, pork or beef with roasted onions. Sometimes it also comes with potatoes and avocado. We can assure you that after this meal, you will have energy for the rest of the day! Ceviche If you are a big fan of fish, then this is definitely the right choice for you! Ceviche is raw fish cooked with lemon, herbs and vegetables. In Costa Rica, it is usually made with sea bass, coriander, garlic, chili, onions and celery. It is a very healthy and light dish usually served as an appetizer. Gallo pinto Woke up hungry? Don’t worry! This typical breakfast will satisfy your hunger for a long time. Gallo Pinto is a mix of rice, beans, fried eggs, chopped meat, fried bananas and tortillas, usually served with a sweet sauce. Olla de carne It is a very healthy stew made of meat, potatoes, carrots, merliton (a type of vegetable), bananas, yucca and sweet potatoes. Perfect for those rainy days when you feel like having some comfort food. Tamales This dish is not only tasty but also very pretty when it comes to its presentation. Basically, it is a mixture of corn flour, rice, pork, beans and vegetables that are boiled together with banana leaves. Chan As its name suggests, this drink is made of chan seeds and water. It has a sweet flavour and it’s great for the digestive system. With all of these wonderful dishes and drinks in your menu, you are ready to start exploring the country and doing your TEFL course with the energy you need. If you need more information about the course, please get in touch with us! Follow us on Facebook and leave a comment or send us an email.

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